July was a pretty good summer month, by North East England standards. Key results are as follows:

  • 1,215 kWh total energy consumption.
  • 816 kWh solar
  • 314 kWh off-peak grid (100% renewable supplier)
  • 86 kWh peak grid (100% renewable supplier).

Taking into account the minor Government subsidy we receive for solar generation, we once again had a negative net cost of energy, paying minus £5.36 for the month’s electricity.

We fuelled our two EVs (and a Renault Zoe we had on test for the first half of the month) for a total of 758 miles in the month. The ‘fuel mix’ going into the EV batteries was 360 kWh solar and 97 kWh off-peak electricity. This blend produced a total electricity cost for 792 miles of EV motoring of £4.84, or 0.6 pence per mile. Using our normal comparison with a 35mpg OldTech car fuelled at the long-term average of £1.32 per litre, we saved £262 fuel costs in month.

The total net financial benefit in July was £384.93, made up of these £262.08 fuel savings and the £122.86 difference between the price we would have paid for 758 kWh of domestic energy at ‘Big 6’ utility company rates (£117.50) and the net minus £5.36 we actually paid.

Emissions avoided in the month by the combination of solar generation, 100% renewably sourced grid supply, and 792 miles of zero emissions driving totalled 378 kg.

Click the graphic below to download the full report in PDF format.

July 2020 energy input blend and usage

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